Monday, July 13, 2009

Pineapple Tutorial

I love pineapple. Who doesn't? I bought a pineapple Friday at Costco for $2.50, came home, cut it up, and put it in small serving size bags. It will be a special sweet treat all week. I'm so looking forward to it.

One of our favorite thing to do when we're in Hawaii is to stop at the Dole Pineapple Plantation. I swear we spend more money on the soft serve pineapple ice cream than anything else and it's TOTALLY worth every cent. Sometimes dad just pulls the rental car around the front, we run to the pineapple counter, get the goods, and head on our way. The pineapple cutting demonstration they have there is awesome--if you ever get the chance, I'd highly recommend it. In the meantime, this tutorial is very similar.

How to Cut Fresh Pineapple Safely |

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1 comment:

  1. That was one of our favorite parts of going to the Dole plantation... and I smugly smile to myself as I now actually know how to pick a good pineapple!


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